About Beth and Inspiring Health Solutions

My Story

My health story started when I was in elementary school, where I learned that if I ate sugar, it would give me energy. So before every track meet, I would eat a 1/2 cup of sugar in a Styrofoam container.

I developed bronchitis 15 times throughout the next several years, not recognizing that sugar damages your digestive tract. In addition, I was also taking antibiotics 1-2 times per year for bronchitis, which created significant digestive issues. But this didn’t stop me from eating sugar.

By my late teens and early twenties, I was a sugar addict. I loved sugar; I craved it all the time. As a result, I suffered from low energy, acne, digestion issues, and mood swings.

Inspiring Health, About, Beth Schupanitz, Health Coach

I spent three years trying to figure out how to improve these symptoms, but it wasn’t until I sought a nutritionist and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner that I received answers. I found out I had a leaky gut, as well as gluten and dairy sensitivities. I spent some time cleansing and healing my gut, and for the first time, I found relief. Yet, amazingly, not once did my medical doctor talk with me about my diet.

As I continued to improve my diet and use supportive supplementation, I continued to rid myself of all my symptoms. Due to the fantastic results I received, I became fascinated by holistic health and how to heal the body naturally through whole foods and supplementation. I read everything I could get my hands on and attended lectures and workshops to gain further knowledge.

It’s been a long journey, and to this day, I am constantly learning and finding new ways to improve my health and now others that I work with. I have helped hundreds of people lose weight, lower their cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, gain more energy, improve sleep, and have a healthy relationship with food, and I want to do the same for you.

Remember, if you don’t make time for wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for illness.​

Inspiring Health, Beth Schupanitz, Health Coach, Mission

My Mission

My mission is to support YOU in a way that will resonate with your intentions and desires to attain your health goals. I look for the root causes to demystify your symptoms and uncover the issues that need to be addressed.

Using your current bloodwork, diet experimentation, and muscle response testing, I look for possible toxins, food sensitivities, pathogens, (such as viruses, parasitic, fungal, and bacteria) heavy metals, and chemical stressors that could be causing your poor health.

Living a life free of acne, acid reflux, bloating, anxiety, digestive distress, headaches, and allergies will provide you with the freedom to experience life to the fullest.


  • Registered Nutrition Consultant – School of Nutritional Sciences

  • Certified Lifestyle Educator – Metagenics First Line Therapy

  • Nutrition Certificate Program – Northwestern Chiropractic College

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach – Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • CPR/AED Certified, Wilderness Remote First Aid Certified, Stop the Bleed Certified - all certified by the American Red Cross 2024.

  • Completion of Full Body Systems – Replenish PDX

  • Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) 2019

  • BS in Recreation and Program Management & Speech Communication

  • Bally’s US Swim & Fitness Fitness Instructor Certification Program

  • Completed Landmark Curriculum for Living Course Materia

  • Advanced Professional Level Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner - Ulan Nutritionals 2015

  • Complete Phase 3 of Bio-Energetic Medicine, UMI

  • Functional Blood Work Specialist 2021

  • Emotional UnWind Experience 2022

  • AND let’s not forget practical real-life experiences

  • Registered Nutrition Consultant – School of Nutritional Sciences

  • Certified Lifestyle Educator – Metagenics First Line Therapy

  • Nutrition Certificate Program – Northwestern Chiropractic College

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach – Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Completion of Full Body Systems – Replenish PDX

  • BS in Recreation and Program Management & Speech Communication

  • Bally’s US Swim & Fitness Fitness Instructor Certification Program

  • Completed Landmark Curriculum for Living Course Materia

  • Advanced Professional Level Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner - Ulan Nutritional's

  • Complete Phase 3 of Bio-Energetic Medicine, UMI

  • AND let’s not forget practical real life experiences

  • Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) 2019

  • Functional Blood Work Specialist 2021

  • Emotional UnWind Experience 20229